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Agility trials are open to dogs 18 months of age or over. To obtain a qualifying certificate a dog must negotiate the course within the Standard Course Time (SCT) that is set by the Judge and clear all obstacles. Apart from time faults, five course faults are scored for each mistake a dog makes. It is possible for a dog to win a trial (have the fastest time), but not obtain a qualifying certificate, as it did not complete a clear round in the first round.

If a dog takes the wrong course, it will be disqualified.


NB: The Agility Dog Master and Jumping Dog titles became available as ANKC titles on 1 January 2001.


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Ch Caprivi Inside Edge CDX ADM JDX ET


Holding the title of AD, dog must gain 5 qualifying certificates under at least 2 different judges. Each course to consist of 14 - 16 obstacles with Broad jump/s, Table, Spread hurdle/s, Hoop/s, 12 Weaving poles, Dog walk, Scramble and See-saw being mandatory; and Collapsible tunnel, triple jump (counted as 3 obstacles), and Single hurdles and the Flexible Tunnel optional (i.e. at the discretion of the course builder).


  • Cabinda Summer Magik CD ADX JDX ET

  • Kamfinsa Mzuri CD ADX JD

  • Ch Kysaridge Loyas Simba CD ADX

  • Mzilakazi Munthu CD ADX


Holding the title ADX, dog must gain a further 7 qualifying certificates under at least 3 different judges to attain ADM status. Each course to consist of 18 - 22 obstacles with Broad jump/s, Spread hurdle/s, Hoop/s, 12 Weaving poles, Dog walk and Scramble being mandatory; and Table, Collapsible Tunnel, Triple jump (counted as 3 obstacles), See-saw, Single hurdles, and the Flexible Tunnel optional (i.e. at the discretion of the course builder).


  • Cabinda Summer Magik CD ADX JDX ET

  • Kamfinsa Mzuri CD ADX JD

  • Ch Kysaridge Loyas Simba CD ADX

  • Mzilakazi Munthu CD ADX


Dog must gain 3 qualifying certificates under at least 2 different judges. Each course to consist of 10 - 12 obstacles with Broad jump, Table, Spread hurdle, Hoop, 8 Weaving poles, Dog walk and Scramble being mandatory; and Collapsible tunnel, Flexible tunnel, Single hurdles and Triple jump (counted as 3 obstacles) optional (i.e. at the discretion of the course builder). 


  • Ch Amberidge Miss Margarita CD CCD RAE ADM ADO JDM JDO SPDM SDX GDX TD ET

  • Caprivi Paris Blues CD AD

  • Ch Chamwari Impi CDX AD

  • Ch Himaya Tiie Jags Delight AD JD ET

  • Jomeja Perfect Image AD ET

  • Ch Kamfinsa Ty CCD AD JD

  • Gr Ch Kysaridge Alia Caesar RN AD JD SD

  • Ch Kysaridge Alia Claudia AD ET

  • Lionsbane Watch Me Run AD

  • Ch Ravvar Danae Alia AD JD ET

  • Rijstone Desert Storm AD JDX ET

  • Ch Ronganridge Rolys Rebel CD AD

  • Ch Usakose Sliceof Heaven RN AD JDX SPD GD SD

  • Usakose Taylored Edition CD AD


Holding the title of JDX, dog must gain a further 7 qualifying certificates under at least 3 different judges to attain JDM status. Each course must consist of 20 -24 obstacles including Broad jump, Hoop, Flexible tunnel, Single hurdles, 12 Weaving poles, Spread hurdle, and Collapsible tunnel. There is no limit to the number of times an obstacle can be re-negotiated.


  • Ch Amberidge Miss Margarita CD CCD RAE ADM ADO JDM JDO SPDM SDX GDX TD ET



Open to all dogs, dog must gain a further 5 qualifying certificates under at least 3 different judges to attain JDO status. Each course must consist of 16 - 20 obstacles including Broad jump, Hoop, Flexible tunnel, Single hurdles, 12 Weaving poles, Spread hurdle, and Collapsible tunnel. There is no limit to the number of times an obstacle can be re-negotiated.


  • Ch Amberidge Miss Margarita CD CCD RAE ADM ADO JDM JDO SPDM SDX GDX TD ET



Holding the title of JD, dog must gain 5 qualifying certificates under at least 2 different judges. Each course to consist of 16 - 18 obstacles that must include Broad jump, Hoop, Flexible tunnel, Single hurdles, 12 Weaving poles; and may optionally include Spread hurdle, and Collapsible tunnel. There is no limit to the number of times an obstacle can be re-negotiated.
With the exception of those marked optional, all obstacles must be performed at least once.


  • Cabinda Summer Magik CD ADX JDX ET

  • Ch Caprivi Inside Edge CDX ADX JDX ET

  • Rijstone Desert Storm AD JDX ET

  • Ch Usakose Slice of Heaven RN AD JDX SPD GD SD



Dog must gain 3 qualifying certificates under at least 2 different judges. Each course to consist of 14 - 16 obstacles that must include Broad jump, Hoop, Flexible tunnel, Single hurdles; and may optionally include Spread hurdle, and Collapsible tunnel. There is no limit to the number of times an obstacle can be re-negotiated.
With the exception of those marked optional, all obstacles must be performed at least once.


  • Assagi Areu JD ET

  • Chilolo Super Silver JD ET

  • Ch Himaya Tiie Jags Delight AD JD ET

  • Kamfinsa Mzuri CD ADX JD

  • Ch Kamfinsa Ty CCD AD JD

  • Gr Ch Kysaridge Alia Caesar RN AD JD SD

  • Mingguizhong Jelly JD ET

  • Ch Ngidhla Shava Bayete RN TDX JD

  • Rijstone Desert Storm ET JD

  • Ch Ravvar Danae Alia AD JD ET

  • Gr Ch Usakose Master Copy CD JD 



Rules for the Agility Games titles can be found at the ANKC website - Agility Games Rules.

Titles available:  

Snooker Dog (SD),            Snooker Dog Excellent (SDX),             Snooker Dog Master (SDM)
                         Gambers Dog (GD),          Gamblers Dog Excellent (GDX),           Gamblers Dog Master (GDM)
                         Strategic Pairs Dog (SPD), Strategic Pairs Dog Excellent (SPDX), Strategic Pairs Master (SPDM)


  • Ch Amberidge Miss Margarita CCD CD RAE ADM ADO JDO JDM SPDM SDX GDX TD ET

  • Gr Ch Kysaridge Alia Caesar RN AD JD SD

  • Ch Usakose Slice of Heaven RN AD JDX SPD GD SD

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